Friday, July 31, 2009

Road Trip! (and other kinds)

My Wife loves to travel. Since we were married in 2003, we've taken many amazing trips, including...

New Orleans (twice)
Unexpectedly posh B&B in Alabama
Outer Banks of North Carolina
Ohio to visit my Nanna
Montreal (jazz, Olympic Stadium, and the hippest B&B I've ever seen)
Washington D.C. and Rohobeth Beach, DE
Puerto Rico, including an amazing stay on the island of Vieques
Many (but not enough) trips to visit C. & J. in Wallingford, PA
Sailing in Maine (twice), Cape Cod and the Islands (twice), Croatia, and Nova Scotia
Ft. Lauderdale with My Wife's family

She's been responsible for planning most of these. Yes, is certainly bookmarked on her computer! She has a knack for finding unique B&Bs and restaurants. That's one of the great things about traveling with her: I always eat well and sleep comfortably.

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The County

My Wife loves warm sun and sandy beaches. Maine, in February, does not have these things. So what do we do? Go snowmobiling.

My Wife absolutely amazed me when, during a dinner out with the principal of my school, she became excited about the possibility of going to northern Maine and snowmobiling during our February break. I kept glancing at her, trying to let her know she didn't need to fake excitement about it just because my boss was suggesting it.

We did it. Drove hundreds of miles, wrapped ourselves up in layer upon layer of clothes, and scrunched onto a one-person sled together for two days. We hung out with people twenty-five years older than we are and slept on a bed that must have been comfortable about fifty years ago.

I can't say My Wife had a great time. The drive was long, the weather was--surprise!--cold, our accommodations were rather rustic, and the food choices were limited. (Full disclosure: we drank Budweiser, so the situation was clearly desperate.) Plus, snowmobiles are noisy and smelly, which doesn't endear them to her.

Still, the point was to experience something (and someplace) new. An adventurer at heart, My Wife embraced the trip as a unique experience, one more step in learning about this strange and exotic place called Maine. She welcomes these experiences with a smile. It's a smile I find beautiful.