Friday, July 31, 2009

Road Trip! (and other kinds)

My Wife loves to travel. Since we were married in 2003, we've taken many amazing trips, including...

New Orleans (twice)
Unexpectedly posh B&B in Alabama
Outer Banks of North Carolina
Ohio to visit my Nanna
Montreal (jazz, Olympic Stadium, and the hippest B&B I've ever seen)
Washington D.C. and Rohobeth Beach, DE
Puerto Rico, including an amazing stay on the island of Vieques
Many (but not enough) trips to visit C. & J. in Wallingford, PA
Sailing in Maine (twice), Cape Cod and the Islands (twice), Croatia, and Nova Scotia
Ft. Lauderdale with My Wife's family

She's been responsible for planning most of these. Yes, is certainly bookmarked on her computer! She has a knack for finding unique B&Bs and restaurants. That's one of the great things about traveling with her: I always eat well and sleep comfortably.

-- Post From My iPhone