Saturday, May 24, 2008


One of My Wife's students organized a fund-raiser for a local food pantry. A spaghetti supper. Problem is, nobody bothered to tell the world that this was happening, so the event was in danger of coming and going without anyone showing up.

Now, keep in mind that My Wife does not seek out chances to speak to strangers.

"Let's go over to the ball fields and see if we can get some people," she said, and we were off to drum up some business. She walked up to people left and right.

"Not sure if you're interested, but there's a spaghetti supper over at the high school to raise money for the food pantry,"she said over and over. One man was so impressed he pulled out his wallet, apologized for not being able to attend, and handed her $40 for the cause.

Anything for the cause. That's my lady!

1 comment:

Joie de Vivre said...

WTF. What kind of rat b*st*rd doesn't tell his closest, dearest, most pool-switch-wiring-mad-skilled friends that he has a blog?!


Wow, you should keep Joanna. Judging from the posts on her blog, you're, um...fallin' a little short there, pal.

BTW: Is Jo interested in working on a political campaign in dire need of financial support? Sounds like she's really got The Gift!