Sunday, November 23, 2008

Running on Full

In a strange twist of fate, I've somehow become a runner. Nobody--myself included--would have likely predicted that. But, odd as it may be, I enjoy running and feel pretty good at it. I'm also in need of clear goals to maintain enthusiasm about most things, so I regularly run local road races to keep myself going.

My Wife does not consider herself a runner, but she, too, is goal-oriented. Running, for her, has become a way to push herself physically and raise her fitness level. This has had a significant impact on me, since My Wife now has her eyes on road races, too.

At her suggestion, we've got our sights on a 10-miler in February, which I ran on my own last year. As part of the training for that, we ran a cute little 5K in small-town Lovell yesterday. What a delightful race, with less than 100 participants and almost everyone knowing everyone else. In windy, sub-freezing conditions, My Wife ran a wonderful race, finishing 3rd in her age division. Her enthusiasm also motivated me, and I had a good race by my standards. We hung out in the American Legion Hall afterward, watching the awards ceremony, eating home-made refreshments, and chatting up the locals.

We didn't win one of the Thanksgiving turkeys that they raffled off, but we walked away winners by every other measure.

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